The Chantry Academy Curriculum 2019 - 2023
Successful outcomes for our students are built upon four curriculum pillars and a foundation of fundamental learning.
Fundamental learning covers a range of skills and attributes which enhance the life chances of our students. These include
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Evaluation
- Reflection
- Aspiration
These softer skills are explicitly taught within the following areas
- Careers, PSHE, Thinking skills, Study Skills
- RE, Ethics, SMSC, Mental Health and wellbeing
Our curriculum pillars reflect the following
Aim of the curriculum is to ensure our students have the opportunities and experiences to ensure that they are successful at KS4 and beyond. This will support our students breaking the cycle of disadvantage and improving social mobility.
Our students are VALUED, they will have the skills to be Versatile, the opportunity to exceed their own Aspirations, the knowledge to be Learned, the empathy to Understanding, the enthusiasm to be Engaged and the encouragement to be Determined.
What is taught?
- Knowledge
- Subject specific skills
- Basic skills in numeracy, literacy, oracy and digital skills
The content will reflect the clear pathways to GCSE success, expectations are in line with GCSE language, terminology and structure.
Whilst content reflects a continuum from KS2, the structure will reflect GCSE. Eg. The use of sources, PEEL and phrases from GCSE whilst assessing non-GCSE subject content.
Students in lower school 7-9 will experience the following subjects:
English, Maths, Science, RE (IAm), PSHE (ICan), Geography, History, PE, Art, Drama, Music, Dance, French, German, Textiles, Resistant materials, Food, Graphics and IT.
Students have a phased option choice. Bucket 3 subjects are opted for at the end of year 8 to start in year 9. This is a free choice and not blocked against timetable.
Options include:
IMedia, Health and Social Care, Btec Sport, Dance, Drama, Music, Art, Performing Arts, RE, Textiles, Graphics, RM and Catering. A second option choice in year 9 into 10 for Ebacc subjects. All but the lowest prior attaining group have to select two from either French, German, History and Geography.
All students in upper school (10 &11) study English, English Literature, Maths, Double Science, PE and Social Ethics. A few students study COPE and Triple Science in addition to their options.
Our curriculum gives our students the best chance of success through
- Values demonstrated through learning
- Discipline and the desire to get it right
- High standards and expectations
- Future proofing their learning
How is their curriculum taught?
- Through collaboration
- Through talk
Talk consolidates thinking > thinking leads to ideas > Ideas encourage creativity > creativity supports confidence > confidence breeds success
- Lessons that plan for students to talk about the solution before they write it
- Problem solving
- Creative solutions
- Think about the learning
- Clearer thoughts in written form
- Reflection
- Evaluation
- 80:20 Review : New (content) Emphasis on embedding and practice skills and content.
- Assessment
“Creativity is nothing without knowledge”
Five states of creative learning
- Inquisitive: What will the students want or need to know?
- Persistent: How do we ensure students have the resilience to succeed in their learning?
- Imaginative: How do we capture their thoughts and channel them into a productive solution?
- Disciplined: How do students respond to the Review process?
- Collaborative: How well do students contribute to effective collaboration?
Learning experiences are active, personal, collaborative and relevant, designed to empower learners to be creators who believe their work matters.
Through additional experiences our curriculum is enhanced to so that students can see how their learning contributes to careers, progression to the next stage of their education and provide context or inspiration.
Our curriculum key drivers
Collaboration, talk, exam success and exceeding students own aspirations.
Chantry Academy offers a wide variety of learning experiences with great facilities and the most up to date technology. As students start at our Academy we ensure all have access to a broad curriculum and focus on the important learning skills that will prepare them for later success.
At present, the exams boards used by the Academy are as follows:
English Literature
Science - Trilogy
Edexcel (Pearson)
Creative iMedia
Computer Science
WJEC / Eduqas
Hospitality and Catering
BTEC Tech Awards
Health & Social Care
Performing Arts
Sport ALT Curriculum Intent Statement
If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01473 687181 or email