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Exam Results 2023

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Students and staff celebrate GCSE success at Chantry Academy

Students and staff at Chantry Academy, part of The Active Learning Trust, are celebrating yet another year of GCSE success.

This year we are, once again, delighted to see our students receiving such impressive results in their GCSEs. We are hugely proud of our class of 2023 and all their achievements which will now enable them to progress to a wide range of exciting post-16 opportunities including A Levels and Apprenticeships. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them all, along with thanking their parents, carers and all our staff at Chantry Academy for the help and support they have provided.

Individual success stories include:
Alyssa Forsdyke with grade 8s in Maths, History, Geography and English as well as being successful in all other qualifications.

Iwan Fothergill with a 9 in Maths and 8s in Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Drama and Computer Science. He was also successful in all other qualifications.

Aivaras Vildziunas with 9s in Maths and Physics, 8s in English, Statistics and Chemistry.


2022 Validated Data

Progress 8 Score -0.77
Attainment 8 Score per pupil 37.41

% of pupils with a good pass in English & Maths

(grade 4 and above)


% of pupils with a strong pass in English & Maths

(grade 5 and above)

EBacc average point score 3.17
% of pupils entered for the Ebacc 15.5%
% of pupils staying in education or going into employment 93% (in 2021)

Guidance from the Secretary of State
"Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years."