Pupil Premium
Chantry Academy will use the catch up premium grant to support the purchase and ongoing use of laptop computers by students from all year groups. Our Year 11 students already have a laptop each and we intend to purchase laptops for other year groups during the course of 2020 and 2021. The laptops can be used at school and at home. Providing a laptop for all our students will enable innovation in how we deliver material in lessons, an enable students to participate in lessons while the school is closed or they are isolating due to the coronavirus. We will closely monitor the use made of the laptops by students and staff.
Great schools are a cradle for resilient, effective and confident learners regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds ‘Marc Rowland’
Is Chantry Academy a great place to learn if you come from a disadvantaged background?
The Context of the Academy
Chantry Academy is a sponsored academy and is part of The Active Learning Trust family of schools. The following 5 core beliefs are fundamental to the ethos at the school:
- Every child wants to be successful
- No barriers to learning
- No excuse for poor progress
- We get what we expect
- Learning is our core purpose.
Is Chantry Academy a great place to learn if you come from a disadvantaged background? The Academy is an improving school which serves a community that has a high proportion of pupils from a disadvantaged background. Historically attainment for this group has been low across the LA compared with disadvantaged pupils nationally. Student attainment on entry with a Key Stage 2 Average Point Score (APS) is below the national average.
As an effective school we have high expectations and high ambitions for every pupil, regardless of background. The pupil premium funding has enabled us to create a place of excellence, endeavour and optimism. Through high quality teaching and learning we endeavour to continue to narrow the gap. As an Academy we recognise that we should be the decision makers using evidence to inform professional judgements as long as the attainment gap is closing.
Every student has the same opportunity to succeed. We recognise that Students need high quality, tailored support and excellence in the classroom. However, one of the best measures of an advanced educational system is how it treats pupils who are on the margins. The Chantry Academy Vision is a key driver to help improve the lives of our students and every member of our community is equally VALUED. The vision is to provide learning that ensures everyone has the skills to be Versatile, the opportunities to exceed their Aspirations, the knowledge to be Learned, the empathy to be Understanding, the enthusiasm to be Engaged and the encouragement to be Determined.
The percentage of statemented students in the Academy is above national figures, whilst the overall percentage of students with SEN is higher than national figures. The Academies ethnicity profile is predominately White British. We currently use a variety of available data to assess students’ ability and progress. We are currently exploring different ways of recording pupils’ progress to ensure that the statistical data shines a light where interventions are required.
Chantry Academy - Pupil Premium / Year 7 Catch-up Funding
A strategy review of Pupil Premium will take place in Sept 2024.