Reading in the Curriculum
Our Reading Vision
Why is Reading important?
Reading well is a key life skill, but it vital to ensure academic success.
Every GCSE exam requires students to be able to read at a high level to access questions and find the evidence they need in their answers.
Beyond Chantry Academy, our students’ ability to read well is a highly desirable for employers and will help students to succeed and reach their full potential.
Teachers will adopt a range of activities to support and challenge readers of all abilities. Our belief is that any student can read any text using strategic approaches to breaking down words and phrases to find meaning.
What we do
Reading for learning:
We teach our students reading comprehension strategies that research has shown can accelerate academic progress. We break reading activities down to:
- Before reading
Skim and scan the text to find clues and activate prior learning.
Make predictions based on what you notice. - During reading
Clarify words and sentences that you don’t understand and work them out.
Question the text and the ideas in it. - After reading
Summarise what you have read and pick out the key things you want to remember.
How do we test reading?
In addition to assessments in individual subjects, year 7, 8 and 9 sit New Group Reading Tests three times a year. This test produces a standardised score that can be compared to national averages. We will share these results with you, and teachers use this data to help plan lessons and interventions.
Reading for pleasure:
Reading for pleasure has proven benefits not only to academic achievement, but also to mental health, employability and it improves levels of kindness and empathy.
Fostering a love of reading starts with reading on purpose and making sure you are reading something you are interested in.
Read your timetable challenge:
We have launched the read your timetable challenge designed to match readers to books they will enjoy. Everyone has a favourite subject and now it is easy to find something to read that will match your interests.
How you can help at home?
Talk to your young people about reading and what they are reading. Use the attached pamphlet and bookmark to support conversations about what they are reading and build their strategic skills.
Build habits of 10 minutes of reading every day, encourage and help your child to find time to read.
Incidental reading:
Ask your children to help read recipes or instructions with you, suggest they turn on subtitles or captions on games or YouTube and talk to them about it.